
Skosprovider provides an interface that can be included in an application to allow it to talk to different SKOS vocabularies. These vocabularies could be defined locally or accessed remotely through webservices.

Adhering to this interface in you application decouples your application and the actual thesaurus. This makes unit testing easy because it allows you to swap a remote and a local implementation. It also makes it easy to switch from a simple, static implementation based on a csv file to a more complete implementation using you relation database.

One of the main goals of this project is to be able to build an application that can use thesauri or vocabularies without knowing upfront what these might be or where they might come from. This could be for an application that allows cataloguing things, but where it can be expected that different instances will require different thesauri or would need to be able to talk to existing vocabulary systems.

Some sample providers are present in this package. The skosprovider.providers.DictionaryProvider uses a simple python dict as the datastore. It can be considered the reference implementation for the skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider interface. Most likely you will want to implement a provider for your own SKOS, vocabulary or thesaurus system.

Other providers

Currently the following other providers exist:

There also exists a library to integrate Skosprovider with Pyramid at pyramid_skosprovider.

Deviations from SKOS

In a few places we’ve deviated a bit from the SKOS standard:

  • While SKOS technically allows for things like a broader/narrower relation between concepts in different conceptschemes, Skosprovider assumes that all hierarchical or associative relations should be between concepts in the same conceptscheme. For relations between concepts in different schemes, the SKOS mappings should be considered.
  • The SKOS standard allows a concept that is marked as a topConcept to have a broader concept. Skosprovider expects that the concepts returned by the skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider.get_top_concepts() do not have any broader concepts.
  • The SKOS ontology ony describes a SKOS:member predicate to indicate that a collection has certain members. There’s an implicit reverse side to this relation (eg. a concept is a member of a collection). We’ve standardised this on the member_of property that’s available on a skosprovider.skos.Concept and a skosprovider.skos.Collection.